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EastSiders Season 2 EASTSIDERS SEASON 2.Counting for Thunder Counting for Thunder is inspired by the three years when Phillip Irwin Cooper, unlucky in work, money and love, went hom.Cloudburst Olympia Dukakis and Brenda Fricker co-star as lesbian couple in this hilarious comedy!.Cherry Pop Cherry Pop, directed by Assaad Yacoub, follows one wild, crazy night at a drag club, where the matriarch of the show Zaz.The award-winning gay romantic comedy classic! Broadway Damage 'An absolute delight!' —Rex Reed, New York Observer.Boy Meets Girl Nominee: Outstanding Film in Limited Release, GLAAD Media AwardsĮric Schaeffer’s Boy Meets Girl is a poignant, sexy.Big Eden 15th Anniversary HD Edition — including new bonus extra: 'Big Eden: A Look Back' featuring interviews with the film's.Best Day Ever IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO FALL IN LOVE!ĭavid’s turning 50 and having a Mid-life Crisis! He isn’t sure his “perfec.Behind The Curtain: Todrick Hall Todrick Hall launches his most ambitious project yet: the full-scale original musical, Straight Outta Oz.On the verge of his 30th birthday, Jonathan (Daniel Duga. August Starring super hot Murray Bartlett (Dom from HBO's 'Looking')!.Akron Benny and Christopher, college freshmen, meet playing football and begin a relationship.

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